AT-AT Dress
- Stormtrooper Tank Top - $29.95
- Walkin' the AT-AT T-Shirt - $17.98
- Chewbacca Tank Top - $29.95
- Mark Ecko R2D2 Jacket - $120.00
- R2D2 Tank Top - $22.95
Whenever someone compliments a girl's article of clothing, as in, "That's a nice dress," my friend Kristen always pipes up, "Is it the dress or the girl in the dress?" Touche, Kristen. Typically it is the girl in the dress. Typically if I go so far as to say anything to a girl about her dress I can't tell you a thing about what the dress looks like, even as I'm staring at it. However, were a girl wearing this AT-AT body-hugging tube of splenditude I might actually notice her dress second, right after her boobs, instead of...uh...never.
Polyester and Lycra, my favorite women's fashion duo, join forces to introduce Star Wars' iconic assault vehicles to the world of minidresses. Where most fabrics awash in repeating designs opt for ducks or sailboats or hearts, the always innovative, always keeping men in mind even while fabricating ladies' wear clothier, Black Milk, has gone for a torso-and-trunk full of AT-ATs. Once again, a galaxy (far, far away) of thanks, Black Milk.