Lumen Couture LED Face Changing Mask

Posted: January 10, 2021
Lumen Couture LED Face Changing Mask
Check It Out

Lumen Couture's LED Face Changing Mask isn't intended to be a funkified piece of pandemic PPE, though if you're ready to go all in on facial coverings, I guess it would serve you as well as your double-ply cloth options. And certainly draw the attention of anyone at the grocery store or COVID testing site.

But really, the LED Face Changing Mask is a full-face, tech-injected plastic covering that incorporates LED panels and lighting effects that allow the wearer to transform his / her face into a multitude of different patterns, animations, and, uh, mythical-looking Asian women.

For cosplayers, festival goers, EDM show enthusiasts, and Halloween costume hunters, Lumen Couture's LED Face Changing Masks use over 2,000 individual LED lights to create their visages. The latter are controlled by an app with presets, text, equalizer effects, and options for uploading your own images. The mask comes with the AA batteries it needs to dazzle.

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