Flaming Thor Helmet
The helmet is a beautiful dense plastic replica of a Thor Helmet with custom stand. The aluminum flame tubes are raised above the helmet so that there is no heat transfer from the tubes to the helmet. There is a simple flow control valve so you can adjust the flame level.
Sick in the Head: The 10 Coolest Motorcycle Helmets
Some people say you're sick in the head for riding a motorcycle. I say you're sick in the head if you're wearing one of these motorcycle helmets. And I mean it in the very, very best sense of the word. Here are my picks...
The TRON Light Cycle
Yeah, it costs more than twice the country's 2011 median income, but two little words make it worth every penny: Street. Legal. If you can convince the bank, or your mom, to spot you the cash, a living, breathing replica...
Batman Motorcycle Helmet
It seems to me that if someone threw out the general suggestion, "Hey, why don't we put some ears on these bike helmets?" he would be permanently exiled from the motorcycle universe. But somehow this actualized vision...
Jet Turbine Powered Batmobile
If you thought the TRON Lightcycle was awesome (and expensive) prepare your senses for overload as they take in this Batmobile replica. It's street registered in the US, so if you dream of trying your hand at Batman-style...
Skully HUD Motorcycle Helmet
Who wants to beta test Skully's forthcoming heads up display motorcycle helmet? All you have to do is slide it on (or if you're me, shoe horn your melon head into it), launch its Synapse-integrated HUD system brimming...
Daft Punk Helmet Replica
This is just one of many amazing DIY projects undertaken by Harrison Krix, and documented on his personal blog. If you think these photos are cool, check out his detailed explanation of them, as well as his nifty time...
The Avengers Desk
Totally awesome Avengers movie-themed hand crafted one of a kind piece of furniture art. Fully equipped with a set of "trick arrows" under glass to represent Hawkeye, and a "gamma chamber" with a heavy-duty door for...
BASH Unbreakable Sledge Hammers
Though he'll probably stick with Mjolnir for wailing on Loki, if Thor were a construction worker I bet he would use one of Wilton's BASH Unbreakable Sledge Hammers. Touted the toughest sledge ever built, BASHes with heads...
The Force Awakens First Order Stormtrooper Helmet
The good news is this is the first ever Standard Line version of a Star Wars: The Force Awakens First Order Stormtrooper Helmet, and you can have one for $200 ($249.95 if you wait until October 1 to order). That bad news...
Pyro Mini Fireball Shooter
Shooting fireballs from your empty hands just got a sleeker, slyer, more compact upgrade. Ellusionist, by way of magician Adam Wilber, introduced the original Pyro open-palm fireball shooter around this time last year...
Laser Gloves
Dudes, watch the whole video. Or at least fast forward to the final 20 seconds to behold the reasons why your life will not reach its full potential until it can count Laser Gloves as part of it. The match-igniting, balloon-popping...
Tec Torch Thermal Breaching Tool
I know. If you're not military, law enforcement, or a first responder you can't have a TEC Torch handheld breaching saber tool, but, dude, you can still want it. TEC Torch uses thermal magic, specifically a concoction...