Grinch Christmas Tree Decoration & Ornament Holder

I know. I've just put the Grinch Christmas tree decoration and ornament holder in front of your face 2 weeks before Halloween. I know. Normally, talking about Christmas before Halloween makes me throw up in my mouth and cough some of it up through my nose too. But come on, it's 2020. The meanest, Grinchiest year ever. The Grinch shouldn't just be Christmas 2020's mascot, but the overlord of the entire year.
And also, Craft a Day Keep Doc Away's Grinch Christmas tree decoration and ornament holder is absolutely adorable. Doesn't it make you smile? It's OK. Go ahead. Smiling about Christmas in mid-October is just fine in 2020, because...because...WTF else do we have to look forward to right now but Christmas?
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