Revolution InstaGLO R270 Touchscreen Toaster

Posted: April 18, 2022
Revolution InstaGLO R270 Touchscreen Toaster
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It's National Toaster Month, and the Revolution InstaGLO R270 Touchscreen Toaster is here to help you celebrate! ... Nah, you're right. There's no such thing as National Toaster Month. Yet.

But the Revolution InstaGLO R270 Touchscreen Toaster can still help you celebrate the joys of toast. Perfect toast, smart toasted via a touchscreen with settings for 34 different bread types. And with the addition of Revolution's Panini Press and Warming Rack accessories, you can use the toaster to celebrate the joys of immaculate goo-ified sandwiches, crispy-chewy croissants, and steamy-warm pastries too.

The InstaGLO heating system is designed to heat up lickety-split, so the outside of your bread sears, but the inside doesn't dry out. Smart settings adjust heat levels and toasting time to ensure this is that case for a variety of bread types. The Revolution R270 Toaster even has a Gluten Free setting, with algorithms tailored to the chemistry of nontraditional (or, rather, new-traditional) bread ingredients.

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