Shiatsu Massage Pillow with Heat

Posted: November 29, 2015
Shiatsu Massage Pillow with Heat
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Deck the halls with boughs of...stress. Lots of them. Running in all directions through my neck and back, and with knotty protuberances spanning top to bottom. If you're going to give someone a shiatsu massage machine for Christmas, I would really recommend giving it to them before Christmas. Especially if that person is me. There's the hell that is making the money to buy gifts. The hell that is buying the gifts, and particularly the hell that is entering any mall parking lot. And then there is the hell that is giving the gifts--going to the airport, getting through security, missing your plane to Miami because of a blizzard in Ohio. Or maybe it's splitting Christmas between 4 different houses due to marriage. And divorce. Or maybe it's that you burnt the figgy pudding. Or....

See? Shiatsu massage pillow with heat not for, but before Christmas morning.

I'm selecting this one from Zyllion (ahem, Mama) because it's relatively inexpensive, portable, has a 4-1/2 star average amongst over 1,800 Amazon reviews, and can be used while doing almost all of the stressful things I mentioned above. Velcro the pillow around the top of a chair or place it at the base of its back rest and get your muscular tension dug out as it forms while driving, flying, or sitting at your desk. Zyllion says its 4 deep-kneading shiatsu balls also do nice things when the massage recipient places them under a calf, thigh, or belly. An optional heating function also contributes to relaxation and banishment of achiness.

The Zyllion shiatsu massage pillow has an ergonomic design and superthin 2" body so it won't bulge whatever body part you've applied it to forward so far that it actually creates new knots as it attempts to knead out the old ones.

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