Lovers' Embrace Coffee Table

The Lovers' Embrace Coffee Table, or, as I like to call it, the Sexy Time Coffee Table, has no known artist, date, or origin. At least not that its seller, Furnish Me Vintage, is aware of. Best guess is that the massive slab of monkey pod hardwood used for the hay-rollin' couple was hand-carved in Southeast Asia sometime in the second half of the 20th century. It makes sense to me, especially given the dude is going all "Tune in, Tokyo!" on his lady's boobie.
Minus the glass top, this stunning sculptural table weighs around 250 pounds, and measures 54" long x 24" wide x 21" high. Its level of detail is also fire - check out the dude's back muscles and the lady's...kneecaps. The Lovers' Embrace Coffee Table is pretty much a life-size and precise wood replica of tasteful fornication.