Lil' Jason Necklace
A smaller cuter version of the always lovable psychopath Jason Voorhees. Complete with signature hockey mask and machete, this Crystal Lake resident hopes to find a safe home between a nice set of breasts.
Baby Head Masks
People who think babies are angelic and precious, I see your Gerber models, and raise you these three baby head masks. No, make that these three enormous, bulbous, horrifying, spawn-of-Chucky baby head masks. Landon Meier...
Fear Mongering: The 10 Scariest Halloween Masks
The fear factor of these scary Halloween masks lies somewhere between disturbing and spine-chilling. Between nightmares for the night and nightmares for the month. Between Ugh, what is that? and CAN. NOT. UN. SEE. I'm...
Rorschach Ink Blot Masks
Would you like to cause your friend to take a great big turd in his shorts? These Rorschach masks, if I'm to believe what I'm seeing on the video, are built specifically to do just that. Made famous by Jackie Earle Haley...
ColdBlood Paintball Masks
ColdBloodArt. Damn. If I did art, even it were no more than friendship bracelets and construction paper airplanes, that's definitely what I would call it. Fortunately for the Thailand-based company that actually assumed...
Buddha Beads Self Defense Necklace
Huh. Not sure how Buddha would feel about people co-opting his peaceful name and beads of spiritual exploration and meditation to make a necklace for whacking an attacker upside the head. But I can kind of see where Phoenix...
No Face Mask
Sweeeeeet! I was wondering how I could pull off being a spoon for Halloween. Like mirrored sunglasses, the No Face Mask's outer film has a chrome effect that renders your mug invisible to onlookers, but keeps theirs in...
Fun with Anatomical Optical Illusions (NSFW)
I've found some choice anatomical optical illusions for your viewing pleasure this evening (or morning with your computer rearview mirror on your monitor at work). Most are just momentary illusions whose true nature is...
Things That Make You Go Ewww
Take a quick scan through this collection of things that make you go Ewww, and see if you can pick out a pattern. Or maybe it's better to say pick out, pop out, suck out, blow out, or stroke out pattern. Any guesses?...
BioVYZR 1.0
While definitely funk and futuristic in its appearance, the BioVYZR 1.0 - which, by the way, isn't even from the land of funk that is Japan, it's from Canada! - is nowhere near the craziest face mask or headwear EDC I've...
Steel Self Defense Bracelet
Self defense or self-inflicted injury? Swingin' 'round this full steel bracelet like a chain whip without really knowing how to swing 'round a chain whip, it could really go either way...
Zelda Poe Soul in a Bottle Necklace
If I killed dead a being of pure hatred and encapsulated it in its lantern, I'd take the rupees from the Poe Collector for it rather than let it dangle from my neck so dangerously close to my heart. Sure Poe Souls can...
Spandex Black Cat Burglar Costume
What's better than an inked Felicia Hardy prancing around, getting limber on your pages of The Amazing Spider-Man as the Black Cat? A real live girl (or boy--we aim to please all orientations) prancing around, getting...