Rx Grins Parody Medicines

Rx Grins' Parody Medicines run from Dadvil for "Acute Relief of Bad Dad Jokes" to Bride-zillex, bridesmaid-strength painkillers ready to pop right alongside those endless bottles of champers Bridezilla's making you buy during her 4-day destination bachelorette party. Along the way we have my wife's favorite, Manspledrin, which I, being the modern, lady-worshipping dude I am, feel requires no explanation. And ZoomOff, for easing the headaches, exhaustion, and "urge to punch the guy asking another question" induced by unending Zoom meetings.
In other words, Rx Grins Parody Medicines pretty much cover the entire gag-gift-giving gamut. The placebo packages come as either boxes, small bottles, or large bottles, and arrive empty, so you can fill them with your own candies or cannabis products.