
Self-Watering Bottle Planter

$13 kikkerland »

I always knew pouring my leftover wine in plants would make them thrive. This self-watering Bottle Planter from Kikkerland just confirms that ferns and philodendrons love a good Cab Franc as much as I do...

ScooperDuper Folding Bench Scraper

$14.95 Amazon »

Make your food prep ScooperDuper neat and ScooperDuper easy to transfer to your pot, skillet, or bowl with Dandy's ScooperDuper folding bench scraper...

Arcade Cabinet Cat House

Sold Out Amazon »

Whoa. Talk about an augmented reality arcade game. These cats aren't just 3D, they're eerily lifelike, from their bright eyes to their swishing tails to their fur that...actually feels like fur! Holy...oh. Wait. These...

Microwave Rice Cooker Mug

$38.25 Amazon »

This microwaveable Rice Cooker Mug is a terrific idea for people who want just a single serving of rice, and don't want to spend the time cooking it on the stovetop. Or buy an electric rice cooker. Or use pre-cooked frozen...

re:Mix Use-Your-Own-Jars Sustainable Blender

$210 - $263 Open Funk »

The re:Mix blender is here to add "blender container" to the long list of ways my wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power, has come up with to use mason jars. The use-your-own-jars blender's clever integration of them might even...

The Sizzling Scooper for Too-Hard Ice Cream

Ice cream that's too hard to scoop might not be the most pressing problem facing the world right now, but, I is a problem. And it's a problem, unlike most of our other problems, real and existential alike, that...

Black+Decker Bug Zapper

Sold Out Amazon »

The Black+Decker Bug Zapper is an insect killer that looks as handsome as the house flies, mosquitoes, gnats, and wasps it bzzzzt!s will look nasty lying dead in a pile in the zapper's collection tray...


The T-Rex, Dragon, and Swamp Monster Enviroskulls might eat you, but at least you can rest assured they're not here to destroy the planet. Enviroskulls is a nonprofit, non-commercial organization that creates dazzling...

Umbra Rain Automatic Soap & Sanitizer Dispenser

Sold Out Amazon »

Welp, Umbra, in years past I would say an automatic soap and sanitizer dispenser, regardless of how snazzy it looks and acts, isn't what anyone has in mind when they say, "Make it rain!" But in this age of pandemics that...

UFO Cat Litter Box

$209 Amazon »

I doubt this UFO Cat Litter Box is going to be the most functional and high-performing litter box you ever own, but it sure as cat sh- is gonna be the most out of this world...

100 Challenging Novels Scratch Off Chart

$25 Pop Chart »

If by "100 Challenging Novels Scratch Off Chart," you mean 100 novels that are difficult for a dude of average IQ - OK, maybe slightly below average IQ according to the free online IQ test - to read and understand, then...

Giant Corn Planter

Sink your teeth into this Giant Corn Planter, some sweet corn if I've ever seen an ear of it, and the latest piece of oversized food art from Third Drawer Down. The corny houseplant home is made from moulded resin, and...

Homer in the Bushes Sponge Holder

$19.99 Etsy »

Back it up, Homer. Slowly, quietly into the bushes, eyes peeled for anyone who might have - ha! Gotcha! I see those beady eyes and that bulging belly trying to sneak away into a thicket of scouring pad. Get back out here...

Chef's Burn Balm

$15.90 Etsy »

Sizzling hot in the kitchen should refer to your steaks and stir-fries, not your skin, Chef. This handmade Chef's Burn Balm from Touch of Herbs is a "masterfully formulated" blend made for chefs who grab a hot handle...

Nite Ize Mega Gear Ties

$16.31 - $19.89 Amazon »

Available in 32" and 64" lengths, Nite Ize Mega Gear Ties look like the twist ties I use to keep my bread fresh got pushed through a portal into World 4 of Super Mario Bros. 3*. That is to say, they're huge!...

5-Head Projector Floor Lamp

$179 Etsy »

Normally when you tell me something has 5 heads, I assume it's something I wouldn't be interested in. Like a hydra or a person with a huge forehead. But this 5-head projector floor lamp is awesome! You can use attached...

AirHood Portable Kitchen Range Hood

$89 - $109 AirHood »

The AirHood portable kitchen range hood could have saved my friend Trevor $2,500. When he moved into his house - a flip done by a team of 100% incompetent people with 0% pride in workmanship - his kitchen range did have...

Balance Pipe

$65 Tetra »

We all need a little balance in our lives. Some of us find that balance in the contents of a pipe. And for those dudes and ladies, what better pipe to represent that which you seek but the Balance Pipe from Tetra?...

Fruit Fly & Fungus Gnat Trap for Plants

$4.99 - $13.99 Amazon »

Nothing says Happy Mother's Day like a bouquet of sticky flowers caked with dead fruit flies and fungus gnats! ... And I'm only sorta kidding about that, especially if you need a gift for a mom who's also an avid gardener...

Deadpool Toilet Paper Holder

$58.93 - $63.84 Etsy »

The Deadpool Toilet Paper Holder is just one more lure into the bathroom, and reason to spend more time on the porcelain throne when we get there. This minifig-inspired 3D print from Sandoz 3D Prints should team up with...

Smeg Retro Electric Kettle

$149.95 Amazon »

You know what an electric kettle is, right? Well this retro electric kettle from Smeg flips the idea of an electric kettle on its head by being an electric kettle designed to look like it's from the 50s, before electric...

MattressJack Mattress Elevator for Easy Bed Making

$179.99 - $199.99 Amazon »

The MattressJack is sold as an inflatable mattress lifter - or elevator, if you prefer that branding - that makes making the bed easier for the elderly and people with chronic pain. But what about me? And you? We dudes...

Spinning Cat Scratcher Ball

Sold Out Amazon »

Watch your cat have a ball with this spinning catch scratcher toy. Available in 2 sizes, the natural sisal ball adds another dimension of interest and satisfaction for your kitty and its claws mounted to a triangular...

Plufl: The Dog Bed for Humans

$399 - $449 Plufl »

Welp, we've got dog food for humans, so why not dog beds for humans? Thank you Soylent, and now, Plufl. Plufl is basically a big ol' human-sized dog bed, designed by "avid nappers" Noah and Yuki to create the ultimate...