
Crossbow Dice Roller & Holder

$29.95 - $39.99 Amazon »

It's your roll, and your shot, with this nifty Crossbow Dice Roller & Holder from MunnyGrubbers. The 3D-printed crossbow loads and shoots up to one full set of standard sized polyhedral dice using a loading mechanism...

Blackhead Plucker Fidget Toy

$16.99 - $19.99 Amazon »

Never thought a Blackhead Plucker Fidget Toy would be part of an Angel's Wonderland, but indeed this Blackhead Plucker Fidget Toy comes to us straight from Angel's Wonderland. True, it's the brand, not the theme park...

The Unkillables

$11.51 Amazon »

The Unkillables could be a book about the flies that swarm my mama's house in the summer. All the cheaters in Fortnite. Certain - ahem - dictators and old-ass politicians. Or even just a new team of superheroes or antiheroes...

Loop Lasso Glow-in-the-Dark String Shooter


Here's the catch: despite its catchy name, the Loop Lasso can't catch a thing. But with glow-in-the-dark strings spinning and undulating in response to the tricks and fidgets of kiddos and adults alike, it's still quite...

Subsoccer Under-Table Football Game

$649 - $2,418 Subsoccer »

Who wants to play footsie - no, I mean footie - under the table? Subsoccer is a new kind of tabletop soccer / football game where all the action happens not on the tabletop, but under it...

Mind The Gap: A Trivia Game for the Generations

$33.81 Amazon »

A boomer, a Gen Xer, a Millennial, and a Gen Zer walk into a bar...nah, just kidding. Those 4 would never walk into the same bar, unless, I guess, it was a juice bar. Let's try again. A boomer, a Gen X-er, a Millennial...

I've Venn Thinking Game

$23.39 Amazon »

I've Venn Thinking about how to describe I've Venn Thinking, and I'm gonna go with this: a party game similar to Cards Against Humanity, but that trades in the fill-in-the-blank / Mad Libs feature for...are you ready...

Vurtego V4 Pro - Air-Powered Adult Pogo Stick

Sold Out Amazon »

The Vurtego V4 Pro is one of the few kinds of bouncy, bouncy this dude would never touch. First of all, the air-powered adult pogo stick is designed with an 11+-foot vertical, and as Blood, Sweat & Tears kindly reminds...

Cashmere Hammer Rattle

$32.72 Etsy »

I've met my fair share of Velvet Hammers in my day (pretty sure I even married one) but this is the first Cashmere Hammer that's crossed my path. Too bad it's a rattle for kids, and would be completely preposterous for...

Swimming Poo - A Video Game Full of Crap

Swimming Poo's STEAM blurb describes it as "a humorous action game," but that's about as full of crap as Swimming Poo itself. Humorous? If your favorite jokes start with "Pull my finger," or "So I was taking a dump the...

Carbon Fiber Folding Chess, Checkers & Backgammon Set

Sold Out Amazon »

Well, really it's a carbon fiber-ish folding chess, checkers & backgammon set. The game is made of MDF, but has a "carbon fiber tech material veneer." So not solid carbon fiber, and even the supposed-to-be-carbon-fiber...

The World's Most Fiendishly Difficult Literary Puzzle

$8.25 Amazon »

Edward Powys Mathers (aka Torquemada) wrote Cain's Jawbone in 1934, and to this day, only 3 people have ever solved the 6 murder mysteries hidden within its hundred pages. So, nope, calling it The World's Most Fiendishly...

Indo Trick Trampoline Scooter

$49.95 - $119.95 Amazon »

Tramp not included. The Indo Trick Trampoline Scooter is a wheelless board-and-bar design made to help scoot enthusiasts practice freestyle tricks, plus come up with new ones. I'd say it's a safer way to learn Triple...

Jumbo Star Wars Millennium Falcon Crayon

$3.96 Amazon »

Who'd-a thought this piece of junk could clean up so well? The Jumbo Star Wars Millennium Falcon Crayon splashes every color of the rainbow - or at least every color in your standard box of Crayolas - over the dismal...

Brompton A Line Folding Bike

$1,150 Amazon »

The Brompton A Line Folding Bike has nailed it. That's exactly what I want to do at work all day too: curl up in the fetal position under my desk until it's time to go home. At which point I will unfurl like a beautiful...

How Not to Be Helpful

$11.99 Amazon »

I don't think many people really need JJ Harlan's How Not to Be Helpful: An Illustrated Guide for Thoughtless Adults. With the exception of my mama and, like, Keanu Reeves, most of us have already got it down pat. But...

Critical Thinking Cards Deck

Ah, critical thinking. Not an activity many of us are keen to partake in these days. Or at least, that's what the media, politicians, and advertisers hope. The Critical Thinking Cards Deck is a more compact and party...

100 Games to Play with a Stick

$14 Amazon »

No, 100 Games to Play with a Stick is not about your penis. But, like your penis, it does make a great gag gift...

Automatic Domino Train Set

Sold Out Amazon »

Letting an Automatic Domino Train build all your kids' domino runs for them prevents them from practicing key physical and mental skills. Hand-eye coordination. Visual perception. Problem-solving. Concentration. Patience...

The Bartender's Manifesto

$18.69 Amazon »

Whoa. Check out The Bartender's Manifesto's Guide to Citrus Garnish Styles section. I am amazed. Not only at the number of citrus garnish styles in existence, but also in how this manual of How to Think, Drink, and Create...

A Book For a C*nt

$12.72 Etsy »

I like how right underneath the A Book For a C*nt heading in its Etsy listing, there's the denotation that this product is a "Bestseller." Ha! I guess everyone has a c*unt in their life they need to buy A Book For a C*nt...

Vintage Bookshelf Board Games

$39.95 - $439 Amazon »

These Vintage Bookshelf Board Games from WS Game Company are, to quote the late, great Chris Farley, awesome! I mean, have a gander yourself. Vintage Monopoly folded and packed up all tidy to look like a book: awesome!...

Third Assist Vintage-Style Hockey Gloves

$89 - $129 Third Assist »

Third Assist's vintage-style hockey gloves could eliminate fights in the sport. Because who's ever gonna wanna take these sweet throwback gloves off? I wouldn't. Even to punch some a-hole's teeth out...

Sculpd Pottery Kits

$65 Amazon »

The ghost of Patrick Swayze not included. Sculpd Pottery Kits are beginner-level boxes of all the (probably very messy) goods you'll need to sculpt, carve, paint, and varnish your own clay masterpieces. ... Or at least...